University Digital Teaching Competence Framework

In December, we announced with great enthusiasm the availability of the first of the developments of the DIGCOMPEDU Training and Accreditation (DigCompEdu FyA) project, the Framework for Digital Competence in University Teaching (MCDDU). Creation and validation (only in Spanish).

Yesterday, 24th April, we had the opportunity to “present it in society” in the Salón de Grados of the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Marco de Competencia Digital Docente Universitario. Creación y validación

This document represents the culmination of one of the fundamental milestones in the construction of the project materials, with the active collaboration of various universities (35 Spanish universities) committed to digital transformation in higher education.

Accurately detailing the meticulous process of adapting the European DigCompEdu framework to the Spanish context, materialised in the Reference Framework for Digital Competence in Teaching (MRCDD), the MCDDU emerges as a fundamental milestone in the confluence of theory and practice for promoting digital competence in teaching at the—university level.

This report not only breaks down the methodology, actions implemented and changes made during the creation of the MCDDU, but also comprehensively presents the framework itself, outlining its formative and accrediting elements. It is an indispensable resource for those involved in the planning and implementation of digital educational strategies in the university context.

By exploring the pages of this report, readers will gain a detailed overview of ongoing actions, planned future initiatives and strategic recommendations for continued development in the field of digital educational transformation. We hope that this joint effort and the effort to share not only the results, but also our working methodology can lead to a better definition of the path towards the digital transformation of Higher Education that we all seek.

Coordination of the DIGCOMPEDU FyA project
Juan Ramon Velasco
Pedro M. Ruiz
María Isabel Hartilo Hermoso

Emiliano Pereira González
Antonio Ruiz Martínez

Report and Technical Coordination
Linda Castañeda y Núria Vanaclocha.
Universidad de Murcia

Proyecto Competencias Digitales del Profesorado- Formación y Acreditación. DigCompEdu-FyA.
Real Decreto 641/2021, de 27 de julio, por el que se regula la concesión directa de subvenciones a universidades públicas españolas para la
modernización y digitalización del sistema universitario español en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia
Ministerio de Universidades. BOE-A-2021-12614

Permanent link to the Report at the UM  DIGITUM Repository



The DALI Project is finished!

On 30 December 2023, the DALI project -Data Literacy for Citizenship- ( ) officially ended a project that we have been working on at UM for the last three years and in which our challenge was to develop practical educational materials and resources for the development of Data Literacy in adults of all age ranges, i.e. to promote how people use and engage with the data they encounter in their daily lives as citizens.

In these three years, we have developed in the four official languages of the project (and therefore also in Spanish)

And much more…

And EVERYTHING is now available for free and open use on our website.

I have been the project’s contact person for the UM team and had the immense good fortune to work on it. I have had the opportunity to learn, meet, laugh, work hard and generate, with my project partners, a lot of material that I firmly believe is useful to face one of the most critical challenges posed by the current and imminent future technological reality, how people should relate healthily with the data that is generated around them?

Since the first time, we were asked for a workshop “for the healthy use of social networks” back in the first decade of the 21st century, I have always been convinced that the only way to become more human in a world with technology is to emancipate ourselves to be better humans, to make better decisions, to be able to make human decisions –being empowered– in this world and WITH technology. … and I believe that DALI does all of this. Furthermore, I think that it does it with deep pedagogical roots that give more substance to this emancipatory and empowering perspective… it is an educational project… of educational technology.

It has been a precious experience; I feel very proud of the work we have done from Murcia (thanks to Inma Haba-Ortuño especially). It is also a project in which many people have been able to work, collaborate and feel involved… Even my students have been able to work with the games! So, all the better…

As I said above, all the materials are open and licensed to be modified for further use.

I hope you can browse and use any of the materials we have produced and that you find them useful.


  • Castañeda, Linda, Inmaculada Haba-Ortuño, Daniel Villar-Onrubia, Victoria I. Marín, Gemma Tur, José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, and Barbara Wasson. 2024. ‘Developing the DALI Data Literacy Framework for Critical Citizenry’. RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 27 (1). doi:10.5944/ried.27.1.37773. (Online First)
  • Castañeda, L., Villar-Onrubia, D., Haba-Ortuño, I., Postigo-Fuentes, A. Y., & Arnab, S. (2022). Game-based Networked Learning. Proceedings For The Thirteenth International Conference On Networked Learning, 273–277
  • Castañeda, L.; Arnab, S.; Tur, G.; Klykken, F.; Wasson, B.; Haba-Ortuño, I.; Maloszek, R.; De Benito-Crossetti, B. (in press) Co-creating pedagogically informed games for data literacy. Revista de Educación. (IN PRESS)

The DALI project is an Erasmus+ Strategic Action for Adult Education project (KA204-076492) coordinated by the University of Bergen and involving four other European universities: Coventry University (UK), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain) and Universidad de Murcia (Spain).











ACAD Toolkit Print&play in Spanish for starters

Over the last few years, we have been immersed in the fascinating world of ACAD (Activity Centered Analysis and Design Framework), exploring its possibilities and above all looking for ways to invite more people to use these kinds of tools that we believe are interesting for thinking together about teaching and learning situations.

This journey led us to translate the ACAD toolkit into Spanish, a collaborative work led by Goodyear, Peter; Carvalho, Lucila; Yeoman, Pipa; Castañeda, Linda, & Adell, Jordi (2021), which provided us with a solid basis for our work.

In addition, we recently shared the fruits of our labour in a detailed study, reflected in the publication by Carvalho, Lucila, Linda Castañeda, & Pippa Yeoman (2023) entitled ‘The “Birth of Doubt” and “The Existence of Other Possibilities”: Exploring How the ACAD Toolkit Supports Design for Learning’ in the Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research. This study delves into how the ACAD toolkit supports design for learning, providing valuable insight into its applicability and benefits.

However, as we progressed in our research, we realised a significant obstacle: manually creating a toolkit (all those handwritten letters) tailored to the specific needs of an individual or institution required considerable effort. It was then that the idea of developing a “starter” version of the ACAD toolkit was born, at least of its Spanish version, with the aim of making this powerful tool more accessible.

Trying to remain faithful to the spirit of the original toolkit, we created a downloadable document, similar to the print&play that we have designed in the DALI project. This document allows anyone interested to download, print and use the ACAD toolkit in a practical and efficient way. We recognise that, although the printed boxes have their charm (and we have printed a few), the print&play format presents itself as the most useful option for those who are looking for a quick and adaptable solution and who read us from anywhere in the world.

The print&play has instructions on what and how to print it… and we think it is VERY convenient.

imagen del print&play de ACAD toolkit en castellanoimagen del print&play de ACAD toolkit en castellano

We want this starter version of the ACAD toolkit to be a gateway for educators, instructional designers and teaching professionals. We believe that by making these tools available to everyone, we are helping to democratise instructional design and foster innovation in pedagogy.

I am really pleased to share this resource with the community. You can find the downloadable document at (the permanent link to the UM repository is ) and we encourage you to explore the possibilities offered by the ACAD toolkit on your journey towards continuous improvement in teaching and learning.

Download, print and discover the potential of the ACAD toolkit today!


  • Goodyear, P., Carvalho, L., Yeoman, P., Castañeda, L., & Adell, J. (2021). Una herramienta tangible para facilitar procesos de diseño y análisis didáctico: Traducción y adaptación transcultural del Toolkit ACAD. *Píxel-Bit. Revista De Medios Y Educación.* [DOI: 10.12795/pixelbit.84457](
  • Carvalho, L., Castañeda, L., & Yeoman, P. (2023). ‘The “Birth of Doubt” and “The Existence of Other Possibilities”: Exploring How the ACAD Toolkit Supports Design for Learning’. *Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 12*(2), 340–359. [DOI: 10.7821/naer.2023.7.1494](

(I want you to know that ChatGPT gave me a hand writing this post -I never have time to blog- and deepl helped me with the translation…)

ACAD toolkit impreso "bonito"

High Level Group of Education and Training Meeting

In May, during my participation in a conference in Barcelona (EDuTech Cluster Conference) I was asked by the Ministry of Education and in particular by Acción Educativa Exterior to participate as a Speaker for the EU High Level Group on education and training in the first event of the Spanish presidency of the European Council.

This meeting (Jerez de la Frontera, 29 June 2023) was the first event prior to the start of the Spanish presidency of the EU and focused on two fundamental issues: European values and digital transformation. For this reason, they asked two people: a German colleague who gave a presentation on artificial intelligence and values, and myself, who gave a presentation on the digital transformation of the classroom, to participate with papers for the discussion.

The ministry asked me for a vision of what the research says about the integration of technology in the classroom, trying to overcome the more catastrophic or naive views of transformation, but always based on research. It was 25 minutes of presentation and 1 hour of conversation with the members of the High Level Group. Here is my full slide presentation (there are many slides that I skipped due to time constraints)

2023 Higher Level Group of Education and Training from Linda Castañeda

Most of the elements are familiar to those of you who have read my work, basically because I don’t pretend to invent the wheel and because I think it is worth trying to be coherent in my discourse. Moreover, much of it is precisely the result of the research I have carried out over the years (here is the list of bibliography that I also referred to .

The truth is that it is probably the most intimidating experience I have had in terms of responsibility and protocol, but it was also a fantastic moment to be able to contribute in some way to a debate that goes beyond my immediate context and before an audience that has a lot of work to do and that expects your speech to be of some use to them… I have learned a lot doing it, preparing it, eating nerves, and being there.

As I said in the chronicle I made of this moment on Instagram (Instagram video only in Spanish ), I think it went well, I feel honoured and proud, I sincerely hope at least I have not given ideas to make the European policy of digital transformation in education worse and I have contributed in some way to this debate. So far, I have learned a lot.


ESSENCE Project – Multiplier Event

The ESSENCE project is coming to an end and after these 3 years of work and pandemic, we want to share with you what we have done and present you the results of this work.

The ESSENCE project ( has tried during these years to find ways to help schools by trying to generate and structure learning assessment tools and strategies for students, which can be useful specifically for entrepreneurship-related competences. We wanted to help teachers to better face the difficult task of assessing these competences, which are increasingly included explicitly in our curriculum.

To do so, we have worked with organisations from 7 European countries, schools, teachers, experts in the development of competences related to entrepreneurship, experts in education and educational technology, to try to achieve all the objectives we have set ourselves.

And what have we done that can be useful to you? Well, that is precisely what we want to talk to you about and present the materials and experiences we have made. We are sure that some of them may be useful to you. We will also take the opportunity to present you a tool, respectful with the use of data, to assess with rubrics that is completely open and that, although it is currently designed with rubrics of sub-competences of the entrepreneurship competence, you can use it with the rubrics that you consider most appropriate.

In the Spanish speaking context, we have planned 2 identical one and a half-hour online events on two different days and at different times so that you can attend the one that suits you best (wherever you are in the world, here you can check the time of the event in your part of the world).

Tuesday, 13 July, from 10:00h to 11:30h (Spanish mainland time)
Thursday, 15 July, from 17:00h to 18:30h (Spanish Mainland Time)


ANd… what about an ERC project?

Following the line of my last post (and video), this one (recorded the same day, as you can see hehehehe), dedicated to what I think is the most demanding call for Horizon projects, the call for projects of the ERC (European Research Council).

I am an unredeemed optimist, so in that invisible thread of “ALMOST” lies my hope this time… and I think that if I fail I will try again… why? why? because I like to learn… here I leave you my testimony…(just in Spanish, sorry, maybe subtitles could help)

Big kisses to my European projects office at UM (our dear OPERUM) for their help, and don’t despair, when I know the result I’ll tell you ;-D (after the depressing period, off course)

Why to do Erasmus + Projects?

Part of my work as an academic, at least from my point of view, is disseminating what I do so that I can contribute to the learning of others through my experience… as part of my learning community (yes, all that peripheral legitimate participation staff…).  That’s why I share openly my reflections from my stays, or I’ve told before how I teach my classes.

However, these days I wanted to make a series of videos to talk about why it is worth trying and participating in European projects… so I am going to tell you about my experience, with no other pretensions than that, to share the experience.

In this video, I share with you my experience and vision about why it is great to participate in Erasmus + Projects. I hope you find it interesting.

(Yes I know is only in Spanish… well, maybe subtitles  could help…)


The CUTE Project

Since October 2019, I have had the opportunity to be the contact person for the CUTE Project “Competencies for Universities – using Technology in Education” (ERASMUS+: Strategic Partnership KA203-867FE04B) at the University of Murcia and to have as associate partners in Spain none other than INTEF (National Institute of Educational Technology and Teacher Training). We are working hard (and having fun) and I wanted to have the opportunity to present you the project of which you have all the information on the website (also in Spanish).

Hope you find it interesting!