COPLITELE: Co-design of Personal Learning Pathways in Connected Environments in Higher Education

The general objective of this project is to generate methodological strategies for co-designing teaching and learning for teacher training based on personal learning itineraries in technology-enriched environments, in order to favour agency and collaborative knowledge construction. Therefore, the following specific objectives are proposed:

  • To analyse pedagogical fragility in innovation processes based on the co-design of learning pathways.
  • To design, implement and validate a methodological model of co-design of teaching and learning processes valid for different situations and methodologies.
  • To implement and validate the co-design model for the construction of personal learning itineraries in technology-enriched environments.
  • Design, implement and validate a network of (co-)designers and researchers of flexible learning pathwayS


Coordinator: . Universitat de les Illes Balears. 2021 – 2024.
PI: Adolfina Pérez & Barbara De Benito

DALI: “Data Literacy for citizens”

DALI is an Erasmus + Strategic Action for Adult Education project (KA204-076492) which aims to:

  • Provide an overview of the state of the art of research in data and algorithm literacy and formulate a general framework for understanding data literacy.
  • Identify the data literacy needs of the target user groups (young people, adults and retired people).
  • Define a set of pedagogical strategies related to connected and play-based learning, specifically designed to promote the development of data literacy in adults in non-formal contexts.

IP at UM: Linda Castañeda

CUTE: Competencies for Universities – using Technology in Education

ERASMUS+: Strategic Partnership (KA203-867FE04B)

Period Sept 2019 – Dec 2022
It is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Action project that aims to develop:
1. Strategies at institutional level to improve digital competences in university education (in the institutions of the consortium),
2. A working methodology based on the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators DigCompEdu, for other institutions to use as an example.



ARS-SELFIE: Digital Competences in Spanish Education: Strategic Regional Approaches. Joint Research Center de la Unión Europea. 2022-2023 IP: Linda Castañeda

Final Report: Castañeda, Linda, Virginia Viñoles-Cosentino, Ana Yara Postigo-Fuentes, Cesar Herrero, and Romina Cachia. 2023. Strategic Approaches to Regional Transformation of Digital Education. Science for Policy Report JRC134282. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. JCR SCIENCE FOR POLICY REPORT