Debates regarding Technology and Education: contemporary pathways and pending conversations

A little more than a year ago, the Editorial Board of the Iberoamerican Journal of Distance Education, RIED, commissioned me to launch an Special Issue on Educational Technology to try to compile in a publication some ideas of relevance that I considered that could help better understand some of the issues we are dealing with in recent times.

Probably because of my “recent history”, my proposal was to launch a special issue that would serve to situate, even if partially, some of the issues that mark the current research on the impact of technology in education.

I believe that those of you who know me more or less know that I am very interested in the future of Educational Technology and how we “breathe” right now, and that lately I am aware of the immense need to approach the criticism of what we do, as well as to undertake critical processes of transformation based on educational reflection. That is why my proposal was not a Special Issue focused on ONE topic, but a monograph that addressed several of these “hot topics” from diverse and interesting perspectives.

This attempt has resulted in this special issue that inaugurates the new year of 2019 in RIED and which, under the title Debates regarding Technology and Education: contemporary pathways and pending conversations, includes 10 articles signed by researchers from very diverse contexts (half of those articles are in English and half in Spanish), which address some of the concerns that research in the field of educational technology lives today.

You can read my introduction to the monograph in the article:

Linda Castañeda

All the other articles are the following:

Thomas Daniel Ullmann, Anna De Liddo, Michelle Bachler
Graham Attwell, Deirdre Hughes
Antonio Moreira Teixeira, Tony Bates, José Mota
Nada Dabbagh, Helen Fake, Zhicheng Zhang
Fernando Trujillo Sáez, Carlos Salvadores Merino, Ángel Gabarrón Pérez
Jordi Adell Segura, María Ángeles Llopis Nebot, Francesc Esteve Mon, María Gracia Valdeolivas Novella
Marta Durán Cuartero, Mª Paz Prendes Espinosa, Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán
Caroline Kühn Hildebrandt
Linda Castañeda, Gemma Tur, Ricardo Torres-Kompen

If you would like to download the whole Special Issue you can also find it on the journal’s website.

I am convinced that the reading of all of these papers will be very suggestive, I hope you enjoy reading them.

I would like to thank all the authors who have participated in this effort (those who finally published and those who sent their work for evaluating) for sharing your ideas and reflections with us, and RIED Journal for its generous opportunity.

Good reading!

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